Imperial Mandate Ahri Build

Imperial Mandate Ahri Build.

Imperial Mandate Ahri build with runes and items. Imperial Mandate Ahri guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Imperial Mandate Ahri build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3!

Author: Wrekah


Starting items
Bandleglass Mirror should be final item in your build.
Tear of the Goddess should be final item in your build.
Quick Skill Order
Ahri ability Charm should be leveled first.
Ahri ability Fox-Fire should be leveled second.
Ahri ability Orb of Deception should be leveled third.
Final items
Ionian Boots of Lucidity should be final item in your build.
Imperial Mandate should be final item in your build.
Morellonomicon should be final item in your build.
Spirit Visage should be final item in your build.
Kaenic Rookern should be final item in your build.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter should be final item in your build.
Quick Runes
Major rune Glacial Augment from Inspiration tree.
Minor rune Resolve.
Summoner spells
Pick Exhaust as your Summoner Spell.
Pick Flash as your Summoner Spell.

Imperial Mandate Ahri Runes

Inspiration major tree Glacial Augment rune.
Inspiration major tree Unsealed Spellbook rune.
Inspiration major tree First Strike rune.
Inspiration major tree Hextech Flashtraption rune.
Inspiration major tree Magical Footwear rune.
Inspiration major tree Cash Back rune.
Inspiration major tree Triple Tonic rune.
Inspiration major tree Time Warp Tonic rune.
Inspiration major tree Biscuit Delivery rune.
Inspiration major tree Cosmic Insight rune.
Inspiration major tree Approach Velocity rune.
Inspiration major tree Jack Of All Trades rune.
Resolve minor tree Demolish rune.
Resolve minor tree Font of Life rune.
Resolve minor tree Shield Bash rune.
Resolve minor tree Conditioning rune.
Resolve minor tree Second Wind rune.
Resolve minor tree Bone Plating rune.
Resolve minor tree Overgrowth rune.
Resolve minor tree Revitalize rune.
Resolve minor tree Unflinching rune.
Passive tree Adaptive Force rune (+9 Adaptive Force).
Passive tree Attack Speed rune (+10% Attack Speed).
Passive tree Ability Haste rune (+8 Ability Haste).
Passive tree Adaptive Force rune (+9 Adaptive Force).
Passive tree Move Speed rune (+2 Movement Speed).
Passive tree Health Scaling rune (+10-180 Health (based on level)).
Passive tree Health rune (+65 Health).
Passive tree Tenacity And Slow Resist rune (+10 Tenacity and Slow Resist).
Passive tree Health Scaling rune (+10-180 Health (based on level)).

How it works


  1. This build is all about Imperial Mandate.
  2. And also all about slows.
  3. You support through disrupting fights, being annoying, Slowing/Healing/Buffing and soaking damage.

How to play


  1. Your core items - Imperial Mandate and optionally Rylai's Crystal Scepter for even more slows (and consistency).
  2. Your CC triggers Glacial Augument that slows AOE. All Slows trigger Font of Life AND Imperial Mandate, healing and buffing your allies.
  3. Since LoL Patch 14.1 Imperial Mandate is changed. Now you need your team to proc it to deal any damage. So you need to play a little bit differently. Do not spam mindlessly. Try coordinating it with your team - when they are about to poke or when they go in.
  4. Font of Life heal can trigger various support items, like Ardent Censer or Staff of Flowing Water or even Moonstone Renewer!
  5. You need to adapt your items to the game. Enemy team heavy on AP? Buy MR. They heavy on AD? Buy Armor. You need some damage? Well buy that.

Tips and Tricks


  1. You can Charm (E), then Flash to do cool combo and catch unsuspecting enemies!
  2. You can Charm (E), then Flash forward or sideways.


  1. Use Charm to set up your combos, it will make landing Orb of Deception and Fox-Fire dramatically easier.
  2. Initiate team fights using Charm, and chase down stragglers with Spirit Rush.
  3. Spirit Rush enables Ahri's abilities, it opens up paths for Charm, helps double hitting with Orb of Deception, and closes to make use of Fox-Fire.

Skill Order

  • Ahri [object Object] ability.
    Orb of Deception
  • Ahri [object Object] ability.
  • Ahri [object Object] ability.
  • Ahri [object Object] ability.
    Spirit Rush


Starting items
Bandleglass Mirror item.
Tear of the Goddess item.
Rush this #1
Imperial Mandate item.
Optional rush #2
Rylai's Crystal Scepter item.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity item.
Good support items
Additional considerations for these items is advised!
Shurelya's Battlesong item.
Staff of Flowing Water item.
Redemption item.
Locket of the Iron Solari item.
Moonstone Renewer item.
Ardent Censer item.
Good tank items
Jak'Sho, The Protean item.
Warmog's Armor item.
Fimbulwinter item.
Knight's Vow item.
Good MR items
Spirit Visage item.
Kaenic Rookern item.
Force of Nature item.
Good Armor items
Thornmail item.
Frozen Heart item.
Dead Man's Plate item.
Iceborn Gauntlet item.
Randuin's Omen item.
For mana problems
Tear of the Goddess item.
Seraph's Embrace item.
Situational dmg items
Liandry's Torment item.
Rod of Ages item.
Zhonya's Hourglass item.
Rabadon's Deathcap item.
Cosmic Drive item.
Blackfire Torch item.
Cryptbloom item.
Counter healing
Oblivion Orb item.
Morellonomicon item.
Counter shielding
Serpent's Fang item.
For the last fight
Additional considerations for these items is advised!
Seeker's Armguard item.
Elixir of Iron item.
Elixir of Sorcery item.
Example final build
Ionian Boots of Lucidity item.
Imperial Mandate item.
Morellonomicon item.
Spirit Visage item.
Kaenic Rookern item.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter item.