AP Blitzcrank build with runes and items. AP Blitzcrank guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play AP Blitzcrank build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3!
You rush Stormsurge (dmg) or Hextech Rocketbelt (reach)
How to play
Playing AP Blitzcrank build, your default rush is Stormsurge.
You can optionally rush Hextech Rocketbelt for reach.
Adapt to an enemy team. Are they full of tanks, and they rush tons of Magic Resist? You rush Void Staff as #2 or #3 item to counter MR stacking. Their team has champs with lots of healing? Rush Oblivion Orb as #2 item (upgrade to Morellonomicon as 4th or 5th item).
Somebody is going after you each fight? Always getting ulted by enemy assassins? Rush Zhonya's Hourglass.
Your usual combo is: First Strike + Hextech Rocketbelt + R + Q/W/E + Ignite. It is easier to do this combo from bush.
Another easy combo: First Strike + Hextech Rocketbelt + Flash + R + Q/W/E + Ignite.
You can get surprise kills/damage when traveling through portal. Enemies do not know who is traveling until the last moment (unless you are only one!). ULT. RIGHT. AWAY.
If an enemy team has lots of tanks, this build is not going to be very effective. Go Liandry's Anguish + Lich Bane for more sustained damage, or even play some other variation.
Max second either Overdrive (W) or Power Fist (E). W - when you need more mobility/reach, Power Fist (E) when you can land two Es in a fight, and fights are prolonged.
Wait for First Strike and proc it with your combo, to deal damage and earn gold.
Be careful to not get poked, because you waste First Strike procs.
Tips and Tricks
If enemy is juking you left and right, just get close to him with your Overdrive (W), then punch him with Power Fist (E) and then finally use Rocket Grab (Q) to catch him.
Sometimes it is better to hold on your Q, rather than using it if you are not sure if you hit it. It puts pressure on the enemy, as they need to take into account your Q.
Instead of using Static Field (R) right away, after you catch somebody, punch them few times (AA + E + AA) before using R. This way you will do more damage, thanks to your R Passive.
The 1-2-3 combo of Rocket Grab, Power Fist, and Static Field can devastate an individual opponent.
Using Blitzcrank's grab to pull an enemy into your tower range followed by a Power Fist will allow the tower to get several hits on them.