Lethality Jayce build with runes and items. Lethality Jayce guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Lethality Jayce build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3!
Snowball / Mark is a crucial cooldown for playing this build. Do not waste it or even wait to hit the enemy at point-blank range to ensure hit (so you follow them, if they Flash).
If an enemy team is full of tanks or bruisers, rush Serylda's Grudge or even Lord Dominik's Regards early (sometimes even #2). Black Cleaver is also an alternative. The key is to adapt to the enemy team.
Tips and Tricks
Your usual combo is To the Skies! / Shock Blast (Q), then Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate (E) (not E then Q!). You first use Q, people do not expect that it will go further, and then you enhance it mid-flight with your E.
As Jayce, you have your 'Ultimate' Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer (R) since lvl 1. You can lose track of enemy levels and get surprised by their level 6 spike and their ulti. Watch out!
Be sure to switch stances often. It will enhance your attacks and grant you quick bursts of speed.
If you find yourself taking lots of damage, try using Jayce's Hammer Stance, as it grants you additional defenses.
For increased range and damage, try casting Shock Blast through the Acceleration Gate.