Support Nocturne build with runes and items. Support Nocturne guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Support Nocturne build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3!
Even though Nocturne is not typical support, you are gonna support your team very effectively. With heals, shields and buffs:
Heal summoner spell.
Guardian and Font of Life runes.
Redemption, Locket of the Iron Solari and Moonstone Renewer and other items.
Nocturne has +20% Healing in ARAM, which makes all healing effects (Redemption or Font of Life included) extra efficient!
How to play
Your first rush is Redemption.
Your second rush can be Locket of the Iron Solari (vs AoE), Moonstone Renewer (sustain).
Also, Echoes of Helia is pretty good because you can proc it consistently with Font of Life (slow/cc).
Rush second Locket if your team already doing teamfights or when an enemy team has champions with super aoe damage (example: like Fiddle's ult). Otherwise, get Moonstone Renewer #2. The third item should be whatever you did not buy - Locket of the Iron Solari or Moonstone Renewer. That's your core.
Another decent item if you have carry/strong bruiser/strong tank is Knight's Vow.
Try to use summoner spell Heal on cooldown. With Moonstone Renewer, ideally there should be at least two people for maximum healing effect.
Later in the game, for maximum support - you can sell boots for sixth item.
You can get items like Ardent Censer (some auto attackers needed) or Staff of Flowing Water. It will be triggered often enough that it will be worth.
Interesting item is Cryptbloom. If you want to go full healing, you can get it like #4+ item.
Guardian is important rune. It is going to provide tons of shielding. Remember that you need to be close to your allies to proc it.
You can also manipulate it - for example, you can stick to one ally, or avoid some spells that's gonna only waste it.
You will be triggering Font of Life effect, which will heal your allies. It also chains off Moonstone Renewer!
Font of Life total healing is not properly calculated in a post-game lobby. Value is bigger in the game vs. what's displayed in statistics. You heal more!
Another important rule is Cosmic Insight, it reduces cooldown for your active items (so more heals/shielding) and Heal summoner spell.
Try to use Redemption on cooldown, when your allies are missing some health. It is best to use when they are grouped. Especially if you already have Moonstone Renewer, it is best to wait (or ping) until they group together, so you can have them all healed.
Remember that you can use Redemption for the damage. However, in general, it is not worth it. Keep it to heal your team!
Be careful when using Redemption while you are dead, and you are about to be respawned. The camera will go to your position, and you can cast it in the spawning pool by mistake. Watch out for bad timing!
Your ultimate Paranoia is a great support tool. Just pop it and DO NOT use the second cast to go in. Just wait. It obscures vision, confuses and intimidates enemy and scares them off.
You can be a fantastic peeler. Enemies going after your carry? Use ult lol and stay close to your buddy and fear intruders with your Unspeakable Horror (E).
Duskbringer (Q) is OK poke, but also great movement speed ability. You can use it to chase people or to run away.
You just won a fight. The enemy is about to respawn, and you are pushing turret? Use Paranoia (R) so they can't see what is happening. It can scare them away or bait into certain death.
Try to use your Shroud of Darkness (W) to mitigate some poke and take some of it for your team.
Tips and Tricks
Using Paranoia at a critical moment is well worth it even if you cannot use the dash.
Duskbringer isn't only an offensive ability. It can be used to close distance out of combat or escape from certain death.
Use Shroud of Darkness in tandem with Paranoia's dash. Your opponents may panic and waste a critical disable on your spell shield.