Axiom Arc Rumble ARAM Build

Axiom Arc Rumble Build for ARAM gives Best Axiom Arc Rumble ARAM runes. With items, skill order, summoner spells, this LoL Axiom Arc Rumble ARAM guide offers complete Axiom Arc Rumble ARAM Build for Patch 14.9 in League of Legends
ARAM Build Guide for champion Rumble and build Axiom Arc.
Rumble + Liandry's Torment + Axiom Arc = Tempo. Off-meta and fun build for frequent Rs!
Rumble ARAM modifiers


Starting items
Fiendish Codex should be final item in your build.
Amplifying Tome should be final item in your build.
Quick Skill Order
Rumble ability Flamespitter should be leveled first.
Rumble ability Electro Harpoon should be leveled second.
Rumble ability Scrap Shield should be leveled third.
Final items
Sorcerer's Shoes should be final item in your build.
Liandry's Torment should be final item in your build.
Malignance should be final item in your build.
Void Staff should be final item in your build.
Rabadon's Deathcap should be final item in your build.
Axiom Arc should be final item in your build.
Quick Runes
Major rune First Strike from Inspiration tree.
Minor rune Domination.
Summoner spells
Pick Mark as your Summoner Spell.
Pick Flash as your Summoner Spell.

Axiom Arc Rumble Runes

Inspiration major tree Glacial Augment rune.
Inspiration major tree Unsealed Spellbook rune.
Inspiration major tree First Strike rune.
Inspiration major tree Hextech Flashtraption rune.
Inspiration major tree Magical Footwear rune.
Inspiration major tree Triple Tonic rune.
Inspiration major tree Future's Market rune.
Inspiration major tree Minion Dematerializer rune.
Inspiration major tree Biscuit Delivery rune.
Inspiration major tree Cosmic Insight rune.
Inspiration major tree Approach Velocity rune.
Inspiration major tree Time Warp Tonic rune.
Domination minor tree Cheap Shot rune.
Domination minor tree Taste of Blood rune.
Domination minor tree Sudden Impact rune.
Domination minor tree Zombie Ward rune.
Domination minor tree Ghost Poro rune.
Domination minor tree Eyeball Collection rune.
Domination minor tree Treasure Hunter rune.
Domination minor tree Ingenious Hunter rune.
Domination minor tree Relentless Hunter rune.
Domination minor tree Ultimate Hunter rune.
Passive tree Adaptive Force rune (+9 Adaptive Force).
Passive tree Attack Speed rune (+10% Attack Speed).
Passive tree Ability Haste rune (+8 Ability Haste).
Passive tree Adaptive Force rune (+9 Adaptive Force).
Passive tree Move Speed rune (+2 Movement Speed).
Passive tree Health Scaling rune (+10-180 Health (based on level)).
Passive tree Health rune (+65 Health).
Passive tree Tenacity And Slow Resist rune (+10 Tenacity and Slow Resist).
Passive tree Health Scaling rune (+10-180 Health (based on level)).

How it works

  1. You use your R frequently, thanks to Axiom Arc cooldown reduction.
  2. You try to use your Rs with First Strike, to boost damage and earn gold.
  3. Liandry's Torment works with Axiom Arc (bigger window of R cooldown reduction because of burn effects).
  4. Last Stand rune does TONS of damage.

How to play

  1. Rush #1 Liandry's Torment, #2 Axiom Arc.
  2. You can use R just to poke enemies. 100+ gold First Strike ensured!
  3. Usually wait for First Strike and proc it with your R. Be careful to not get poked, because you waste First Strike procs.
  4. Late in the game, you can sell boots and go for sixth AP item.
  5. The Collector works surprisingly well with DoTs. You can buy it if you are ahead or want to test this out.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Try and pace yourself to stay in the Danger Zone to maximize your effectiveness. It is easy to overheat if you rapidly use your abilities.
  2. Try and keep targets in the range of your Flamespitter. It can deal a lot of damage overtime.
  3. If you are winning a fight you can use your ultimate to wall off an escape path.

Skill Order

  • Rumble [object Object] ability.
  • Rumble [object Object] ability.
    Scrap Shield
  • Rumble [object Object] ability.
    Electro Harpoon
  • Rumble [object Object] ability.
    The Equalizer


Starting items
Fiendish Codex item.
Amplifying Tome item.
Rush #1
Liandry's Torment item.
Rush #2
Axiom Arc item.
Sorcerer's Shoes item.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity item.
Good items
Malignance item.
Rabadon's Deathcap item.
Void Staff item.
Horizon Focus item.
Shadowflame item.
Situational items
Zhonya's Hourglass item.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter item.
Banshee's Veil item.
Fun item
Additional considerations for these items is advised!
The Collector item.
Counter enemy
Additional considerations for these items is advised!
Morellonomicon item.
For the last fight
Additional considerations for these items is advised!
Elixir of Iron item.
Seeker's Armguard item.
Elixir of Sorcery item.
Example final build
Sorcerer's Shoes item.
Liandry's Torment item.
Malignance item.
Void Staff item.
Rabadon's Deathcap item.
Axiom Arc item.