Hextech Rocketbelt Trundle Build
Hextech Rocketbelt Trundle build with runes and items. Hextech Rocketbelt Trundle guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Hextech Rocketbelt Trundle build in League of Legends Patch 14.18!
Updated: 2024-05-22 ()
Starting items
Quick Skill Order
Final items
Quick Runes
Summoner spells
Hextech Rocketbelt Trundle Runes
How it works
Hextech Rocketbelt Build specific
- You rush Hextech Rocketbelt #1, Liandry's Torment #2.
- You get Cosmic Insight rune to use Hextech Rocketbelt more often.
- You poke with Hextech Rocketbelt and First Strike to earn gold and burn enemies.
- After core items, you adapt. You can play as a tank or as a damage dealer.
How to play
Hextech Rocketbelt Build specific
- Use Hextech Rocketbelt active to poke your enemies all the time, earning gold with First Strike.
- Adapt to the enemy team. Build tanky or more damage. You can play as a utility tank, poke, or even you can go some AD items to still have plenty of damage. Depends on the team and how you want to play.
- For utility tank, remember that Liandry's Torment works good with Serpent's Fang (to counter shields) and Oblivion Orb (to counter healing).
- Cosmic Insight reduces cooldown of all active items, so Zhonya's Hourglass really works well with this build.
- Wait for the First Strike and proc it with your combo, to deal damage and earn gold.
- Be careful to not get poked, because you waste First Strike procs.
Tips and Tricks
- You can stop an enemy team from pushing your turrets with your Pillar of Ice (E). Everyone died, and the enemy tries to push? Just put Pillar of Ice on minions' path.
- Your Subjugate (R) shreds Armor and Magic Resist by 40%. It is often recommended to use that on enemy tank. This way, you are getting more tanky and can go into fights. Or Subjugate (R) enemy tank to burst him down quickly when he comes at your team. Or even some bruiser tries to go all in? Well, Subjugate him.
- Your Pillar of Ice (E) knocks enemies back from its center. This implies some cool interactions like with Samira's Passive or with Yasuo's Ultimate!
- Trundle excels at fighting within his Frozen Domain. Try to draw enemies onto it.
- Use Subjugate to soften a powerful enemy tank or to create a target for your team to focus fire.
- Chomp is good for lowering the physical damage of enemies; try to focus it on enemy physical damage dealers.
Skill Order
- ChompQ
- Frozen DomainW
- Pillar of IceE
- SubjugateR
Starting items
Rush #1
Rush #2
Good tank items
Good MR items
Good Armor items
Situational items
Optional AD items
Situational items
Try if you super fed
For the last fight
Example final build