On-Hit Urgot build with runes and items. On-Hit Urgot guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play On-Hit Urgot build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3!
You are going Guinsoo's Rageblade, building Attack Speed and On-Hit items.
Thanks to Guinsoo's Rageblade, your On Hit effects are gonna trigger two times every third Attack.
You are gonna play Carry for your team.
How to play
Build On-Hit items!
Usually Guinsoo's Rageblade is not good first rush. Get it as #2 or #3 item.
Your first item should be adapting to enemy team:
If they have tons of HP stacking bruisers/tanks - go Blade of The Ruined King.
If they are super magic damage heavy / CC - go Wit's End.
If you want to become more tanky - go Titanic Hydra.
Otherwise, you can get Kraken Slayer, Statikk Shiv (fun & wave clear)
You need some time to ramp-up your damage (runes, items etc.), so position well and keep auto attacking!
Remember to use Titanic Hydra active! It deals additional damage and also resets auto attack timer!
Tips and Tricks
R + Flash combo: After you hit Fear Beyond Death (R), you can R into enemy team for AoE Fear. The crucial aspect of this combo is timing: Flash into an enemy team at the very end of animation, this way they cannot react.
Pay attention to your individual leg's cooldowns, as they make for a signficiant portion of your damage
Land Corrosive Charge or Disdain to lock on to target's with Purge - a great way to trigger multiple legs in rapid succession.
Save Fear Beyond Death for opponents you know are already too weak to survive. It's especially good for picking off fleeing foes.