Full Crit Xin Zhao Build
Full Crit Xin Zhao build with runes and items. Full Crit Xin Zhao guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Full Crit Xin Zhao build in League of Legends Patch 14.24!
Author: Wrekah
Starting items
Quick Skill Order
Final items
Quick Runes
Summoner spells
Full Crit Xin Zhao Runes
How it works
- You go Full Crit.
- You go in and play around Hail of Blades to burst enemies.
- You back away and wait for Hail of Blades. Repeat.
- This build works best if enemy team has squishy champions. If you are against a lot off-tanks/bruisers, this might not be best build. You can make it work, however, by rushing Lord Dominik's Regards.
How to play
- This build shines with 100% crit. You will instakill squishes. Until that, it might be challenging to 100-0 anyone. Look for opportunities to go in and score kills. Also focus on farming minions if possible (to scale faster).
- Wait for your moment to go for a kill. You have a big burst thanks to Full Crit and Hail of Blades, but you are squishy. And outside of Hail of Blades procs (especially early game) you don't have much damage.
- Snowball / Mark is an essential cooldown for this build. Do not waste it or even wait to hit the enemy at point-blank range to ensure hit (so you follow them, if they Flash).
- Enemy team might not check your items right away, you could use that for your advantage to nuke unsuspected enemy.
- After they checked your items and noticed that you have damage and are squishy, they are going to target you in fights. Be careful, after early game probably you need to modify your playstyle and stay back and wait for a good moment to join fights.
- If they have tons of CC, get Mercury's Treads, Edge of Night or even Mercurial Scimitar to counter that.
- If you are not doing well, or an enemy team is slightly ahead, you can adapt and buy tank items. Worst case scenario, you can sell everything late game and 'respec' into full tank.
Tips and Tricks
- Always keep auto attacking - this gives you great sustain, especially early on.
- Always count your Q attacks. You can attack minions twice, then E (combined with Flash) and knock unsuspecting enemies up!
- Combo #1: You can cast W and Flash. It works forward/backward and sideways. This lets you get some cool kills.
- Combo #2: You can cast W, Flash then use E to reach. That's a super cool combo that lets you catch people off guard and engage from miles away.
- Combo #3: You can cast R, then Flash. This way you do some surprise damage, or even throw enemies into your team if used properly (keep track of who is Challenged!)
- Combo #4: Prepare your Q to have knock up ready, then you can Flash into an enemy team, use R to knock everyone back and immediately knock your target up to keep him in place. You can follow up with E and Flash if needed.
- Combo #5: You can E to a minion + W during dash animation for surprise hits. This is especially cool, when your build revolves around W (Lethality, Crit, AP builds)
- Xin Zhao is a great initiator to combat. Lead the front to start a fight and use your ultimate to do the most damage possible.
- Try to position yourself so your ultimate's knockback is most effective.
Skill Order
- Three Talon StrikeQ
- Wind Becomes LightningW
- Audacious ChargeE
- Crescent GuardR
Starting items
Good first items
Get it post 15 lvl
Good items
Situational items
Situational vs. tanks
Situational vs. healing
Situational vs. shields
Good MR/Armor items
If you need to go tanky
For the last fight
Example final build